TX: Here’s how certain Texas sex offenders are getting their information taken off the registry

Source: news4sanantonio.com 11/20/23

For certain Texas sex offenders, a lifetime on the sex offender registry may not always be a lifetime. A little known law that has been around for more than a decade allows certain offenders to have their information removed from the list.

While some believe the state statute negatively impacts public safety, others, including licensed sex offender treatment provider, Bruce Cameron, believe the law improves public safety.

“I have guys that have told me, ‘Hey, doing prison was easy. Being on the registry – that’s a life sentence,” Cameron said.

Cameron is one of a handful of “deregistration specialists,” which are individuals licensed to evaluate sex offenders who want to be removed from the sex offender registry. Cameron, a retiree from the Federal Bureau of Prisons, assisted in establishing the BOP’s first first Sex Offender Treatment Unit, and has worked extensively with incarcerated populations. Upon his retirement from the BOP in 2013, he established a private practice with offices in Dallas and Southlake, working with adolescent and adult sex offenders by providing treatment services.

“Nobody really grows up and says when they’re six years old, they want to be a sex offender treatment provider,” he said, acknowledging his niche area of expertise. However, his religious and moral convictions, he said, drew him to it.

“The Bible talks about working with the least of these,” he explained, noting that then, lepers were considered “the lease of these.” Cameron worked in the last leprosy colony in the Northern Hemisphere which was in Louisiana.

He said, “it seems like in today’s world, the sex offender is the modern day leper.

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“… Sex offender is the modern day leper.” He got that part of right.

BoP “Treatment” specialist turned, guy who helps you get off the registry. I smell a scam. I was lucky enough to avoid prison, but I’ve heard enough from this group about what the, “Treatment programs” inside are like, to be skeptical of this.

Even taken with a big grain of salt, the DoC programs seem like Nazi Scientist Laboratories. Pretty much anything goes, so long as it is inline with Reich policy. The “Therapists” pretty much get to test out their pet theories, and “treatments” using their captive audience as lab rats. State expects a 80-100% failure rate, so any improvement on that is success!

My 1st probation required therapist was a self-righteous nightmare. Retired cop that spent 20 years in the LAPD SVU. Loved to tell us stories about how PFRs were framed for this or that, with Police assistance. Never admitted he was directly involved, he just knew it was done, and DA would help. He believed in shame based treatment, with no concern to what this shame did to you, so long as it kept you from new crime, by ANY means.

Lucky for me my 3rd and final therapist was a kind and decent human being that actually helped me in many ways. 2nd one, only went to his, “Self-Awareness” brainwashing sessions once before I ran like hell away.

Good Sheriff justifying his position WRT to this topic and the need for more funding while at it with his comment.